What’s Lurking in Your Home? Clyde Lewis Talks Haunted Houses and Beyond - Around the House® Home Improvement: The New Generation of DIY, Design and Construction

Episode 1858

What’s Lurking in Your Home? Clyde Lewis Talks Haunted Houses and Beyond

Join us for a spine-chilling Halloween special as we revisit our captivating conversation with Clyde Lewis from Ground Zero. This episode delves into the eerie experiences of haunted houses, featuring listener calls that reveal personal encounters with the paranormal. Clyde shares his insights on recognizing and addressing negative energy in homes, emphasizing the importance of cleansing spaces to foster a positive environment. We explore the intriguing concept of telekinesis and how certain individuals might unknowingly influence paranormal activity around them. Prepare for a wild ride filled with ghostly tales, unexpected twists, and expert advice on navigating the supernatural realm.

The episode brings together Eric G. and paranormal expert Clyde Lewis for a captivating discussion that blends home improvement and the supernatural. Eric recounts his experiences working at Old Time Woodworking in Tacoma, Washington, a location notorious for its haunting phenomena. He shares chilling anecdotes about doors swinging open and closed on their own, poster boards flipping across the room, and the unsettling feeling that gripped him and his colleagues. The conversation delves into the idea of haunted houses, questioning whether certain locations carry residual energies from past events. Clyde shares his insights into how trauma can leave a mark on spaces, making them feel charged and eerie for those who occupy them. The duo also explores the concept of psychic connections to these energies, pondering whether individuals can influence the paranormal through their emotional states or mental focus.

The discussion intensifies as they touch on the legalities surrounding real estate and hauntings, particularly in Oregon, where realtors are not required to disclose a property's haunted history unless given consent by the homeowner. This raises ethical questions about what potential buyers should know about the homes they are considering. The episode also features a call from a listener, Carlos, who asks Clyde about cleansing a home of negative energy. Clyde provides practical advice, including cleaning and blessing the space, and suggests that sometimes the haunting might be attached to the person rather than the home itself. The blend of personal stories, listener engagement, and expert commentary creates a rich tapestry of intrigue that captivates audiences looking for both home improvement tips and ghostly tales.

Throughout the episode, Eric and Clyde build on the theme of energies within homes, examining how electromagnetic fields can influence perceptions of hauntings. Clyde discusses the effects of living near high-power lines and how they can heighten feelings of anxiety or paranoia, further complicating the discourse on what constitutes a haunting. He provides anecdotes from his investigations, including the peculiar case of shape-shifting bugs reported by a woman in Beaverton, Oregon, suggesting a possible connection between the supernatural and biological phenomena. This exploration of the intersections between the natural and supernatural invites listeners to reconsider their understanding of hauntings and the energies that permeate their living spaces.

A special Thanks to Dane Vawter for the original production of this episode.


  • The discussion highlights the significance of maintaining a clean home to avoid negative energy and potential hauntings.
  • Clyde Lewis shares fascinating insights about the connection between electromagnetic energy and ghost sightings.
  • Listeners are encouraged to investigate the history of their homes before purchasing to uncover any haunting incidents.
  • Clyde and Eric recount personal experiences with paranormal activity, adding credibility to their claims.
  • The episode emphasizes that personal trauma can linger in homes, potentially leading to hauntings.
  • Clyde mentions the importance of spiritual cleansing rituals, such as blessings from trusted clergy.

To get your questions answered by Eric G give us a call in the studio at 833-239-4144 24/7 and Eric G will get back to you and answer your question and you might end up in a future episode of Around the House.

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Information given on the Around the House Show should not be considered construction or design advice for your specific project, nor is it intended to replace consulting at your home or jobsite by a building professional. The views and opinions expressed by those interviewed on the podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Around the House Show.

Mentioned in this episode:

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It's around the House.

Eric G.:

I was on a station here in the Portland market called kxl which is another great radio station.

Eric G.:

Clyde and I were both on there and he was on a night I was on during the day and the Saturdays and we had a lot of fun and I thought, you know, let's bring him in and do a live show for two hours and see what happens.

Eric G.:

And this was one of those shows where we just had to hold on tight because you never knew who was going to call in.


Around the house show is brought to.

Eric G.:

You by Pyramid heating and cooling.

Eric G.:

Serving in Oregon, the Portland metro area and Bend, Oregon.


They are your one stop shop for.

Eric G.:

Heating and cooling and indoor air quality.


To find out more, head to pyramidheating.com.

Eric G.:

Oregon CCB:

Clyde Lewis:

Remodeling and renovating your home there is a lot to know but we've got you covered.

Clyde Lewis:

This is around the house.

Eric G.:

Welcome to the round the house show, the next generation of home improvement.

Eric G.:

I'm Eric G.

Eric G.:

Thanks for joining me today.

Eric G.:

We have a great show coming up.

Eric G.:

This episode is brought to you by our friends at Monument Grill.

Eric G.:

If you're looking for an amazing grill, check out monument grills.com just ready for football season now.

Eric G.:

We've got a special Halloween episode today brought out of the way back machine.

Eric G.:

We haven't done this in a long time and I wanted to bring it back.

Eric G.:

This is my live interview I did about six years ago with Clyde Lewis, the infamous radio host about the paranormal and we talk haunted houses.

Eric G.:

Let's get out to Clyde is around.


The house kind of combined in with Clyde Lewis today.


So we're going to have some fun.


I used to work in a place called old time woodwork in downtown Tacoma.


That was haunted is all get out.


And I mean it had.


And I didn't believe in any of this stuff installed until I started working there.


I mean this was absolutely insane there.


Everybody warns me on the first day where he came and you're going to see some stuff but just go with it.


And you go, oh, all right, cool.


We had this door that went downstairs into the lower building that was kind of a that double swing restaurant style door, that double hinge door.


And I went from the down to the stairs and it would sit there and just go bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.


Side to side, full swing to full sweep for 30 seconds to a minute.

Clyde Lewis:



I mean, and there was no explanation for those things.


And we had a lot of weird things like that that would happen in that old building.


You've got a lot of experiences.

Clyde Lewis:

Well, yeah, I've had a lot of experiences with haunted houses and haunted locales.

Clyde Lewis:

What's interesting, I was actually the first.

Clyde Lewis:

There was a, there was a time where I was in Los Angeles and there was a haunted, I guess it was an apartment, it was there in the area where I guess Marilyn Monroe was there.

Clyde Lewis:

She kind of hung out with Joe DiMaggio in that area and Jim Morrison allegedly was there.

Clyde Lewis:

And so a lot of people were saying they see things happening.

Clyde Lewis:

Well, I did an investigation and, and what's interesting is that in a lot of cases you have certain things that would be easily explained.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

That trigger other things.

Clyde Lewis:

And then what bothers me is when I'm watching these ghost shows and they're like trying to debunk and say, like for example, the ghost hunters taps used to go and they'd say, well you know, this is doing this because of that and blah, blah, blah.

Clyde Lewis:

And this is the logical explanation.

Clyde Lewis:

What's interesting though is they overlook things.

Clyde Lewis:

It's like, okay, so you see a couple things happen, they're logically explained but you know, it doesn't count for what triggers the rest.

Clyde Lewis:

And that's what bothers me about these investigations is that while like for example, we did an investigation, we're doing an investigation right now into a home in Beaverton.

Clyde Lewis:

We don't know which home it is, but a woman named Barbie Nadeau called our program, she went to the KXL news gathering and she was bringing these pictures of these, well she said shape shifting bugs that were invading her home and I never seen anything like it before.

Clyde Lewis:

And so I said, well, do you think it's a supernatural cause or do you think there's something else going on?

Clyde Lewis:

She says, I don't know.

Clyde Lewis:

She says they look like little demons that come out of my walls.

Clyde Lewis:

And she says that they're burrowing through the wood they're burying through the cement and the brick and everything.

Clyde Lewis:

And I'm like, I've never heard of this before.

Clyde Lewis:

This is pretty bizarre.

Clyde Lewis:

And a lot of people when I present on the show, oh, those are crickets and those are this and those are that.

Clyde Lewis:

And I'm thinking, yeah, but here's the deal.

Clyde Lewis:

Why do we have this non indigenous creature crawling out of our walls?

Clyde Lewis:

And in fact we had every reason to believe it's antlions that are there.

Clyde Lewis:

We don't know yet, but we're looking into the possibility of them being ant lions.

Clyde Lewis:

But not only that, but There was also some yellow slime that was, like, forming in areas and all this other stuff.

Clyde Lewis:

And I remember the Amityville horror.

Clyde Lewis:

They used to say that.

Clyde Lewis:

The Amityville Horror, that the plumbing would go bad in the house.

Clyde Lewis:

You know, there would be, you know, tarry stuff coming up into the toilets and into the sinks, tarry, you know, type of material, crazy flies, you know, gathering together in one area of the house.

Clyde Lewis:

So, I mean, if an infestation's happening, yeah, there's a logical explanation for an infestation.

Clyde Lewis:

But when you keep, you know.

Clyde Lewis:

And she said she spent, like, thousands of dollars, exterminators, all kinds of things to come in and do this.

Clyde Lewis:

When it keeps happening and she says she's having paranormal activity happening in her house, you know, it keeps happening over and over again.

Clyde Lewis:

You have to say to yourself, you know, why is this being targeted for all this infestation?

Clyde Lewis:

And if you look at, you know, and I don't know if anybody wants to go this far, but if you want to look at some sort of demonic infestation in a home, it's like a parasite.

Clyde Lewis:

It grows and it grows and it grows and it grows, and there's no explanation for it.

Clyde Lewis:

But, you know, you have to do something.

Clyde Lewis:

And usually, you know, what you find is you find houses that have had prior distress in them, and a realtor sells the house to somebody without notifying them of the prior distress.

Clyde Lewis:

So they wake up one day with, you know, some guy's ghost hanging in the garage, you know, because, you know, he.

Clyde Lewis:

I don't know.

Clyde Lewis:

But it's just that's the idea is that, you know, you know, people don't know or they're not told that there was some distress in the house.

Clyde Lewis:

Now, I'm not saying they need to be told that grandma died in the.

Clyde Lewis:



Do you talk about this?


Yeah, because this is a big deal, because I did some research.


You and I talked about this earlier in the week about this subject, and I was really surprised that, for instance, state of Oregon, it is illegal for a realtor to disclose without the homeowner's consent to a potential buyer, that maybe that there was some kind of a event, like let's say it was a mass murder or some kind of horrific thing like that that happened.

Clyde Lewis:



May have mass suic.


Anything like that.


They can't disclose that without having the homeowner's extent, written consent to do that.


Now, the question, though, is, do you want to know?

Clyde Lewis:

Well, yeah.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean, I do.

Clyde Lewis:

I do.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

And that's the thing is, to what extent?

Clyde Lewis:

It's like, I don't want to know if dad died in the next room because everybody dies in houses.

Clyde Lewis:

People die in houses all the time.

Clyde Lewis:

Every house has a history.

Clyde Lewis:

That's why when they were at Houston space, well, I was told that somebody died here.

Clyde Lewis:

Well, of course, people die everywhere.


You know, it's like you're more likely to die in your own home because you're there eight hours a day, sleeping.


In many cases, if you get eight hours of sleep, you're there.


You're static in that house for that amount of time.


So odds are it's gonna happen.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

If that's the case, then hospitals are one of the most haunted places.

Clyde Lewis:

People die in hospitals all the time.

Clyde Lewis:

Funeral homes, of course, are always haunted.

Clyde Lewis:

That's different, I think.

Clyde Lewis:

But, you know, you're dealing with.

Clyde Lewis:

You're dealing with people who, you know, when they watch these ghost shows, they say somebody died here.

Clyde Lewis:

Well, so what, you know, there's gotta.

Clyde Lewis:

What it is, it hasn't anything to do with death.

Clyde Lewis:

It has everything to do with trauma.

Clyde Lewis:

There we go.

Clyde Lewis:

So if something happens in the house that's traumatizing or something leaves behind some residual trauma, and that's what you're getting.

Clyde Lewis:

And there are other things.

Clyde Lewis:

There are other factors too that create hauntings.

Clyde Lewis:

A lot of people don't know that.

Clyde Lewis:

Most houses that are situated under high power lines, for example, they are the most haunted houses.

Clyde Lewis:

And the reason why is because electromagnetic energy can give you the foolish feeling that you're having a ghost in your house.


Oh, interesting.

Clyde Lewis:

And it may.

Clyde Lewis:

It may be a ghost, or it may be that the electromagnetic current is causing hob with your head.

Clyde Lewis:

But a lot of times, and we found this out when we were doing ghost investigations, is that when you use like, for example, a.

Clyde Lewis:

A Tesla coil.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

And you fire a bunch of electromagnetic energy in a room.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

Love it, man.

Clyde Lewis:

They eat it up like nobody's business.

Clyde Lewis:

Like, it's like using dynamite to catch fish.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean, it's right there.

Clyde Lewis:

You bring it on.

Clyde Lewis:

So when you have like, for example, an overabundance of electronic equipment, like games and stereos and everything in one room, you walk into that room and you feel kind of a weird feeling.

Clyde Lewis:

That's electromagnetic.

Clyde Lewis:

Electromagnetic energy actually working itself on your brain.

Clyde Lewis:

And if you have any exposure to that, you'll see ghosts.

Clyde Lewis:

It's just, it's.


That's amazing.

Clyde Lewis:

And so, yeah, and a lot of people, you know, they're expecting to see full on specters or whatever, but Most of the time these ghosts are nothing more than orbs or they're like smoky entities or something.

Clyde Lewis:

They're not always showing up as you know.


Let's talk more about ghosts here.


We're going to go out to break and you know something, we're going to have some fun about this because I'm curious about one of my experiences with this.


Okay, so we're going to bounce about that.

Eric G.:

Joan, change that dial.

Eric G.:

We're just getting started around the house.

Eric G.:

We'll be right back with our way back Halloween episode with Clyde Lewis.


Why in a world of ugly faces should I be allowed to be so.




So many people without.

Eric G.:

Welcome back to the around the house show.

Eric G.:

The next generation of home improvement.

Eric G.:

I'm Eric G.

Eric G.:

This episode is brought to you by our friends at Monument Grills for the great grill experience.

Eric G.:

For under 900 bucks.

Eric G.:

Check them out@moncrills.com now let's get back to that way back machine where we were talking with that previous Halloween episode with Clyde Lewis.

Eric G.:

We've remixed this one and remastered it ready for you.

Eric G.:

Let's get back to this wild conversation about h houses.


Clyde Lewis here from ground zero in studio.


We're having fun.


This is great.


This is a great show.


Talking hauntings, all those different crazy things out there that people don't quite frankly understand.


Well, let's dive in here.


We've got a call.


Clyde here from Carlos in Silverton.


Welcome to around the house.


Hey, thanks a lot for having me.


How you guys doing?

Clyde Lewis:



Hey, I love show, Clyde.


I'm a, I'm an every night listener.

Clyde Lewis:

Thank you so much for that.


Thank you, Eric G.


Oh, yeah.


You're welcome.




And Eric G.


Every chance I get, you know, but definitely I called with a question about since we're talking about kind of home improvement and also got the whole paranormal thing going.


What do you know, Clyde, about emptying out or cleaning your house from house from negative energy?

Clyde Lewis:

Well, since you specified, I was going to say usually when you go to a home and you say and somebody says to you, I've got a ghost, you ask them, well, do you wanted to stay or do you want to go?

Clyde Lewis:

And because some people, they don't mind.

Clyde Lewis:

They don't mind having a ghost in their house.

Clyde Lewis:



Somebody is pretty lonely.

Clyde Lewis:

I'm sure it's like, well, no, it's kind of like having somebody in your house.

Clyde Lewis:

But if it's an intrusion, if you have an intrusion, yes, you have to cleanse your house from negative energy.

Clyde Lewis:

And there are many Ways to do that.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean, first of all, clean your house.

Clyde Lewis:

That's important.

Clyde Lewis:

First of all.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean, usually, I mean, ghosts and demons or whatever they are, they are attracted to houses that are not kept houses.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

Something called panpsychism is the study of whether or not consciousness blends in with inanimate objects.

Clyde Lewis:

There's something called psychometry where if you hold an inanimate object and it has a history, you can pretty much figure out what went on.

Clyde Lewis:

Some people have psychic abilities.

Clyde Lewis:

Like, for example, we had somebody come on our show one time who had a shingle from Ed Gein house, who was the most notorious killer.

Clyde Lewis:

When she held the shingles, she got physically nauseous.

Clyde Lewis:

So if a house is unkempt, if a house is dirty, if there's mold, if there's anything going on in the house, it will attract some negative energy.

Clyde Lewis:

So first things first.

Clyde Lewis:

Clean the house.

Clyde Lewis:

Clean it as best you can.

Clyde Lewis:

Scrub it down.

Clyde Lewis:

Walls, nooks, crannies, everything.

Clyde Lewis:

Make sure everything's clean.

Clyde Lewis:

Go in the attics, check and see if there's any rats that are dead up there or.

Clyde Lewis:

Or, you know, grandpa was left up there forgotten or, you know, something.

Clyde Lewis:

But then if that doesn't work and you still have something going on, you can have a house cleansed.

Clyde Lewis:

And usually what I would do is I would call upon a clergyman, somebody that you trust that's, you know, pretty much, you know, that has, you know, the ability to come in and pray and, you know, give some sort of a blessing on your home.

Clyde Lewis:

I think all people, if they're Christian or if they're any religion actually, they should have someone come in and bless their home before they get into it.

Clyde Lewis:

I had that once.

Clyde Lewis:

I had somebody come in and bless a place for me.

Clyde Lewis:

I just feel it's kind of nice to have.

Clyde Lewis:

It gives you a chance to get to know the people in your church.

Clyde Lewis:

Because somebody would go in and they'd say, okay, we're going to bless the house.

Clyde Lewis:

That's the first thing.

Clyde Lewis:

If then you still have the activity, then what you need to do is you need to also do some other things, too.

Clyde Lewis:

There are rituals.

Clyde Lewis:

There are things like sage that you burn it and you let it go through the home.

Clyde Lewis:

It's a cleansing thing.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean, they say it's all superstition, but it does help.

Clyde Lewis:

But the thing you need to ask yourself too, is whether or not there's an attachment on the home, meaning that the home itself is haunted, or there's an attachment on you.

Clyde Lewis:

Okay, there you go.

Clyde Lewis:

And a Lot of the time people bring with them ghosts and they bring their own demons into a house and they manifest.

Clyde Lewis:

And it's because the power of the mind is so amazing.

Clyde Lewis:

It's complex and it's amazing.

Clyde Lewis:

And that's why a lot of the time it has a lot to do with what's inside of you rather than what's inside the house.

Clyde Lewis:

So you have to also make sure that you're okay.

Clyde Lewis:

That's mentally, physically, you know, and you're spiritually aware of what's going on.

Clyde Lewis:

So there's a lot of factors involved.

Clyde Lewis:

We just don't blame it on the house.

Clyde Lewis:

We can't also blame it on you or someone else.


Or even an object.



Clyde Lewis:

Or an object that may be haunted too.

Clyde Lewis:

Once again, it gets back to the panpsychism idea.

Clyde Lewis:

And what's really odd is, and we've talked about on the show, as you well know, panpsychism used to be, you know, woo woo stuff that only paranormal weirdos like me talk about.

Clyde Lewis:

But now scientists are talking about it.

Clyde Lewis:

They're saying, yeah, there's something to be said about human energy and how it somehow can boil over onto something that's inanimate object, some sort of inanimate object.

Clyde Lewis:

But, you know, and that's the thing you need to also understand.

Clyde Lewis:

Maybe somebody was in the house before.

Clyde Lewis:

Once again, back to the idea.

Clyde Lewis:

Does a realtor have to expose this, saying that maybe this was the house of some serial killer or that a number of people were murdered in the house?

Clyde Lewis:

These are things that I think they're very important to be actually exposed.

Clyde Lewis:

If so.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

So that's.


That answer your question, Carlos?


Well, yeah, it does.


And you know, have you ever heard of like, maybe just reflecting negative energy from like other.


Other visitors coming to your house, like by hanging a mirror?

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

Now you're getting into witchcraft.

Clyde Lewis:

You're getting into witchcraft or bru kariya or whatever.

Clyde Lewis:

I knew, actually what's interesting about this is that I lived in a neighborhood where there was a haunted house in my neighborhood.

Clyde Lewis:

And I knew of the haunted house.

Clyde Lewis:

A little girl that was upstairs that was making beds and doing all kinds of crazy stuff for families.

Clyde Lewis:

And wouldn't you know it, a witch moves into the house, a Wiccan pagan moves in a home.

Clyde Lewis:

And she was so tormented by this thing that she would put, like, she did everything, she covered her bases.

Clyde Lewis:

Hindu God idols, Jesus, Bible verses on the walls, like something out of the Omen, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Clyde Lewis:

And so what she did is she Figured that there was something that was coming into the home from outside the neighborhood.

Clyde Lewis:

She felt the neighborhood was so negative.

Clyde Lewis:

She put mirrors in her windows and.

Clyde Lewis:

Yeah, mirrors reflect back out.

Clyde Lewis:

Like I said, that's.

Clyde Lewis:

That's witchcraft.

Clyde Lewis:

In a lot of ways, it's a form of witchcraft.

Clyde Lewis:



All right, Carlos.


Hey, thanks for calling in, man.


We appreciate it.

Clyde Lewis:

Thank you, buddy.

Clyde Lewis:

No problem.


I'm glad to hear you guys.


Thank you.


All right, thanks for calling into around the house, man.


That's a lot of different things on that one.

Clyde Lewis:

I was very surprised you knew about the mirror thing, because.

Clyde Lewis:

Yeah, a lot of times the mirror practice is done in Latin countries, Latin American countries, because a lot of the brujaria or the curanderos recommend it.

Clyde Lewis:

And I lived in South America, and I saw a lot of this going on.

Clyde Lewis:

The idea of, you know, people using magic to do all kinds of crazy stuff, and it works.

Clyde Lewis:

Folk magic.

Clyde Lewis:

No, I'm a full believer in folk magic.

Clyde Lewis:

I had.

Clyde Lewis:

I had a kidney problem when I was in South America, and I couldn't get it done by a doctor.

Clyde Lewis:

Nothing would help.

Clyde Lewis:

And so I went to a quandetto, and the quandetto grabbed a leaf out of the tree.

Clyde Lewis:

He said, here, boil this.

Clyde Lewis:

Drink it.

Clyde Lewis:

Your kidneys will feel better.

Clyde Lewis:

I boiled it, I drank it.

Clyde Lewis:

Kidneys were feeling better.

Clyde Lewis:

No problem.


Old school medicine, man.

Clyde Lewis:

Yeah, but, you know, I just.

Clyde Lewis:

And then, of course, you know, later on, you know, the kidneys were doing well.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

But I'm just saying that, you know, it's kind of like a cover.

Clyde Lewis:

Folk magic works.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

And, you know, and that's another thing, too.

Clyde Lewis:

If you want to bring in somebody like a shaman or a Native American shaman or someone to come in and do a blessing, they're.

Clyde Lewis:

They're very effective.

Clyde Lewis:



Love it.


Love it.


We're in studio here with Clyde Lewis from Ground Zero.


This is around the House with Eric Gar.

Eric G.:

All right, if you notice, we've had to cut this episode up a little bit, because, one, we had different phone numbers back then, and two, we were on a different clock, which means our breaks were at different times.

Eric G.:

And that's okay because it gives me a chance to narrate how wild this episode went.

Eric G.:

And we had so much fun starting this thing out.

Eric G.:

I had no idea if this was going to be a hit or a bomb.

Eric G.:

And I tell you what, it was such a hit, I thought I'd brought it back for this week's episode because we haven't played it in a number of years, and it was just a Fun one.

Eric G.:

One of these years, we'll recreate it, have a lot of fun with it.

Eric G.:

Now when we come back, we're going to continue our conversation with the one and only Clyde Lewis, the paranormal expert radio host.

Eric G.:

This guy did so much out there and is continuing to do it, so you need to catch his show.

Eric G.:

We'll be right back after these important messages.

Eric G.:

Don't go anywhere.


We're just getting started.

Eric G.:

Welcome back to the around the house show, the next generation of home improvement brought to you by our friends at Monument Grills for that great grilling experience.

Eric G.:

It's time to replace that old one.

Eric G.:

Check them out@monumentgrills.com now let's get out to our friend Clyde Lewis.

Eric G.:

This guy is such a great paranormal expert.

Eric G.:

And we're talking haunted houses and our way back machine here this week.

Eric G.:

This show's about six years old, I think, but it was a blast to do, and we were doing it live.

Eric G.:

Now let's get back to the program.


We are talking homes and the paranormal and everything else in between.

Clyde Lewis:

I do believe in spooks.

Clyde Lewis:

I do believe in spooks.

Clyde Lewis:

I do.


We're having fun.


I was just talking to story here about haunted places, and I was down at the Greystone mansion, which is.


And we talked about this off air a little bit.


This is that thing that you.


This is the house that you see as the big mansion.


And just about every single movie out there, from a little bit of Big Lebowski to Batman to anything else, that's the mansion in there.


I was down there for the Baldwin hardware event that we had.


We actually had two very haunted houses that we were in.


We were in that one.


And then we're also in the Soden house where the alleged murders of the Black Dahlia murders happened.

Clyde Lewis:

So Cecil Hotel.

Clyde Lewis:

Have you heard of Cecil Hotel, too, down there?


Yeah, I've heard of that as well.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

The situation down there where that girl drowned in the.



Clyde Lewis:

And they were drinking the water.

Clyde Lewis:



Not good.


Not good.


had not been operation since:


Now, this is like 50,000 square foot house.


There's 85 rooms.




This room musty.


You can smell kind of that.


There had been water damage.


So it had that moldy, musty smell.


Unrestored, not touched.


Walked into this thing, and the two people, me and somebody else, walk in there.


We get three steps in, and that anxiety, electricity level went higher than I've ever felt in my life.


We went and spun on a dime.


And headed right back out of that place.


And then the tour guide that was down the hall went, wow, you lasted longer than most in that room.

Clyde Lewis:

So this isn't something new.


This was not something new.


And it's kind of funny.


I went onto their website there for the.


For the Greystone mansion, and they're still looking for someone to come forward to restore that room.


But they haven't found too many.

Clyde Lewis:

Well, you know, I won't mention any names or any buildings, but that whole area there.

Clyde Lewis:

There's a bunch of places here in Portland, actually.

Clyde Lewis:

Portland area.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean.



Clyde Lewis:

Well, known area is Multnomah Village.

Clyde Lewis:

It's haunted.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

Fat City Cafe.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

Renters haunted.

Clyde Lewis:

But they just had a fire there, so.

Clyde Lewis:

But some of the bars there are haunted.

Clyde Lewis:

In fact, it was odd.

Clyde Lewis:

We did an investigation into Fat City because there was some sort of a, I guess, tryst between this woman named Vivian, who was a waitress there, and some of the guy.

Clyde Lewis:

The guy went in, shot her a long time ago.

Clyde Lewis:

Her body fell down the stairs.

Clyde Lewis:

So we were called in, and, you know, they said they were getting haunts and all kinds of crazy stuff going on.

Clyde Lewis:

And my wife, who's very psychic, she came in and she was like, saying, I don't get Vivian here.

Clyde Lewis:

You know?

Clyde Lewis:

And we were doing a lot of evp, which is electronic voice phenomena.

Clyde Lewis:

We're recording voices in the basement, and all of a sudden we get this.

Clyde Lewis:

We get this.

Clyde Lewis:

My wife gets this thing.

Clyde Lewis:

It's this inspiration, intuition.

Clyde Lewis:

She says, humphrey Bogart's wife died here.

Eric G.:


Clyde Lewis:

And we're like, going, no, McCall.

Clyde Lewis:

Laura McCall died here.

Clyde Lewis:

No, no, no, no, no.

Clyde Lewis:

Some woman named Mile Meal.

Clyde Lewis:

I said, I didn't hear about that.

Clyde Lewis:

I don't know what you're talking about.

Clyde Lewis:

So, you know, but she was right.

Clyde Lewis:

She was so right.

Clyde Lewis:

And so we called a historian, and sure enough, there was a time where Humphrey Bogart had a wife who lived here in Oregon.

Clyde Lewis:

Her name was Mile Method.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

And apparently she shot him.

Clyde Lewis:

She shot Humphrey Bogart in the stomach.



Clyde Lewis:

But she and him fought a lot.

Clyde Lewis:

But they loved each other.

Clyde Lewis:

But they fought a lot.

Clyde Lewis:

And he couldn't take it anymore, so he went off with Lauren McCall, and.

Clyde Lewis:

But she died in a flop house that was just above Fat City Cafe here in Portland.

Clyde Lewis:

And, you know, you don't know these things unless you do the history.

Clyde Lewis:

We were over to another place.

Clyde Lewis:

It's over off ofGrand in MLK.

Clyde Lewis:

I don't name the building because they told me I can't name it.

Clyde Lewis:

But there's a bunch of buildings over there that were known as the.

Clyde Lewis:

Those were.

Clyde Lewis:

The funerals all happened.

Clyde Lewis:

Well, the mortuaries were.

Clyde Lewis:

And all these buildings were converted from mortuaries to theaters to other things.

Clyde Lewis:

And apparently this one place was haunted.

Clyde Lewis:

The plumbing was bad, infestations of bugs, all kinds of crazy stuff.

Clyde Lewis:

Come to find out, man, the whole place was.

Clyde Lewis:

There was this ghost, a female ghost, looking for her baby there because she said she was separated from her baby.

Clyde Lewis:

We got this from a Ouija board.

Clyde Lewis:

And also a demon actually showed up named Abisu, which is an old Mesopotamian demon that murders children.

Clyde Lewis:

And because it was looking for that child along with the woman.

Clyde Lewis:

So, I mean, you never know what's buried deep in a home or in a place because sometimes there's a lot of bad energy, bad mojo there.

Clyde Lewis:

So how do you feel it?


That's wild.


Hey, by the way, this segment around the house is brought to you by Dear homes Building quality, custom, affordable, custom homes throughout the Pacific northwest for nearly 50 years@darhomes.com CCB 593.


I had to do that.

Clyde Lewis:

Meanwhile, you too can get this great demographic, right?


Yeah, exactly.


Well, here's the thing.


I mean, there are.


I mean, you go down even just throughout the McMiniman's properties.

Clyde Lewis:

Oh, yes.


I mean, you know, pop down to Baghdad Crystal.

Clyde Lewis:

I think that's on purpose, though.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean, you go to those places like.

Clyde Lewis:

You're right.

Clyde Lewis:

The Baghdad, the Crystal.

Clyde Lewis:

I'm pretty sure Ambry house really is haunted.

Clyde Lewis:

It is very haunted.

Clyde Lewis:

And the reason why I think it's haunted is because.

Clyde Lewis:

Well, the embryos, of course, were a very, very, you know, well to do family.

Clyde Lewis:

They had the whole area there and there was a room downstairs in the Embry house where people were born.



Clyde Lewis:

And people die.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

It was.

Clyde Lewis:

It was like they kept it within the family.

Clyde Lewis:

So whenever a person was born, they were born downstairs.

Clyde Lewis:

And whenever they died, of course they would put the casket in there and have the family mourn, and then they take the casket and bury it.

Clyde Lewis:

And so the place is very haunted, but there's a reason why it's very haunted.

Clyde Lewis:

If you go to the Embry house, which is a fantastic place to eat, I don't want to give a plug, but I love the Embry house.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

But you go to the Embry house and they have a substation just across the street from the Embry house.

Clyde Lewis:

And these huge power lines go from the substation across the house.

Clyde Lewis:

And I think that's one of the reasons why it's highly Active there at the Embry house.

Clyde Lewis:

Oh, yeah.


Because you've got all that electromagnetic energy and everything else.

Clyde Lewis:

Oh, yeah.




I do want to hear your stories as well.




This is around the House combined up with a little bit of Clyde Lewis here from ground zero.


If you caught him around out there.


He is, to me at least, and many people around, he is the leading expert on all these things and he has heard around the world.

Clyde Lewis:

Semi famous in semicircles.


There we go.

Clyde Lewis:

Actually 300 stations across the country.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

Were heard all over the world.

Clyde Lewis:

All over the country.

Clyde Lewis:

And we're doing well.


You guys are doing really well.

Clyde Lewis:

Yeah, I mean, here in Portland we do really well.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean, it's just.

Clyde Lewis:

It's just a matter of, you know, we do paranormal.

Clyde Lewis:

We do what I call parapolitical, which is analyzing conspiracy theory rather than, you know, taking it at face value, we break it apart.

Clyde Lewis:

And sometimes, you know, conspiracy theories are based on some really good evidence.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

And that's where we get into, you know, get into a lot of political stuff.

Clyde Lewis:

And sometimes people don't understand that it's not, you know, one side or the other.

Clyde Lewis:

It's apolitical.

Clyde Lewis:

If you're doing conspiracy theory, both sides need to be, you know, taken on.

Clyde Lewis:

But when it comes to the paranormal, there are a lot of things and people don't understand this.

Clyde Lewis:

You know, paranormal mythology, religion, dogma, all that stuff.

Clyde Lewis:

It actually dictates what we do as human beings.

Clyde Lewis:

And so, you know, people say, ah, that's superstition, that's nonsense.

Clyde Lewis:

No, these are the things that motivate us and they motivated us from time, eternity, you know, and not only that, but our ancestors are motivated by this.

Clyde Lewis:

So if you're having this being carried on from generation to generation to generation, I mean, what, thousands of years we've heard of ghosts.

Clyde Lewis:

Thousands of years we've heard of vampires.

Clyde Lewis:

Thousands of years we've heard of werewolves.

Clyde Lewis:

I mean, in the Bible there are vampires.

Clyde Lewis:

I was learning the other day as I was reading Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Clyde Lewis:

The blood is the life that comes from Leviticus.

Clyde Lewis:

Yeah, I mean, you can read that in Leviticus.

Clyde Lewis:

In Proverbs it talks about beings with razor sharp teeth that attack you in your sleep.

Clyde Lewis:

And I'm thinking to myself, wow, so this is where vampires come from.

Clyde Lewis:

And then ghosts, of course, are in Shakespeare and several others.


Nothing new with any of this stuff.


I mean, you get back into, you know, reading stuff on the cliffs of walls, you get back into, you know, into the hieroglyphs and stuff.

Clyde Lewis:

Yeah, it's aliens.

Clyde Lewis:

It's funny because a lot of people don't know this, but there was an old book the Catholic church had called the malus maleficarum and the witch's hammer.

Clyde Lewis:

And in it it gives you all details on how you can hunt down vampires, werewolves and witches.

Clyde Lewis:

So if they have a book that's official, then there's got to be a reason why they go after the vampires and the witches and the werewolves.


Man, that's incredible.


We come back, we're going to be talking more to Clyde Lewis.


Here we are around the house of Eric G.


Around the House.

Eric G.:

We'll be right back with more Clyde Lewis.

Eric G.:

Joan, change that tile.

Eric G.:

We are just getting started.

Eric G.:

This is a wild one.

Eric G.:

Welcome back to the around the House show, the next generation of home improvement brought to you by our friends over at Monument Grill.

Eric G.:

To learn more about them, you gotta check them out for a budget priced quality grill.

Eric G.:

They got everybody beat.

Eric G.:

And you can check them out@monumentgrills.com now if you want to find out more about us here at around the House, you can find us on our website aroundthehouse online dot com.

Eric G.:

And of course, we got so many different things on social media.

Eric G.:

Just look for the around the House show.

Eric G.:

Now we've been talking today with Clyde Lewis from Ground zero, that groundbreaking overnight evening show that you hear out there across the country on the radio.

Eric G.:

And he is such a big paranormal and everything radio show host, podcast host and just influencer in that space.

Eric G.:

And it was so crazy back in the day when we were doing this show, I was on a station here in the Portland market called kxl, which is another great radio station.

Eric G.:

Clyde and I were both on there and he was on a night I was on during the day and the Saturdays and we had a lot of fun and I thought, you know, let's bring him in and do a live show for two hours and see what happens.

Eric G.:

And this was one of those shows where we just had to hold on tight because you never knew who was going to call in.

Eric G.:

And in hour number two, we even get his wife calling in here.

Eric G.:

So if you're checking this out on the radio, make sure that you stick around for hour two and if it's not carried in your local market, make sure you grab the episode and just look for us at around the House show.

Eric G.:

This will be the second episode for our number two of this series.

Eric G.:

So you got to check this out.

Eric G.:

We did this six years ago, like I was saying, and we had so much fun.

Eric G.:

And my eyes were blown out of my head when we were doing this back then because I was like, oh, my God.

Eric G.:

Gosh, is this going to be a hit?

Eric G.:

Is this going to be a bomb?

Eric G.:

What are we doing with this thing?

Eric G.:

And it was just a wild, wild ride.

Eric G.:

Probably one of my wildest two hours of radio itself.

Eric G.:

And it was a lot of fun and we just had a great time doing it.

Eric G.:

So I thought I'd bring it back this weekend.

Eric G.:

One of these days we'll try to recreate it.

Eric G.:

But radio has changed so much since then.

Eric G.:

That's a lot harder to do this kind of thing now in an audience like this when it's live.

Eric G.:

So we did that.

Eric G.:

It was a great time to do it and I thought I would share it with you this Halloween.

Eric G.:

For all you out there celebrating, this was a lot of fun.

Eric G.:

Now let's get back to the show.

Eric G.:

We've got more from Clyde Lewis and then stick around after the break here.

Eric G.:

When we get back after this, we'll be doing our number two.

Eric G.:

And if you're listening on the podcast, just go to the next episode.

Eric G.:

Let's get back to Clyde and all.


Around the world out there as well.


Welcome back.

Clyde Lewis:

Thank you.


We have got a lot of phone calls.


We got the lines lit up right now.


Let's go out here to kind of a.


Well, let's call it a infamous caller.


Welcome to around the House.




Yeah, hi.


Oh, my gosh.


That was the thing, like a doorbell.

Clyde Lewis:

Oh, my God.

Clyde Lewis:

Is this Janine?


Yeah, Hi.

Clyde Lewis:

Oh, honey, why, how are you?


I'm driving to return a piece of fur that I bought for a costume.


So aside from all of that, I had a question for you, Mr.


Round the House Guy.


You mentioned that it was you that was present when an event occurred.


And I'm curious, who else was with you at that time when you saw these doors, you know, slamming, bat, bat, bap, bap, back and forth.


And that caught my attention.


So I wanted to discuss that with you.


Yeah, I had two other people there on that one.


We actually this happened a lot.


So this was one of those things that I was warned of when I started happening there.


It would happen on a bi weekly basis that that door would do that.


So it was not something that just happened once.


You would see it a lot.

Eric G.:

We actually had a conference room where.


We were sitting in there having our company meeting and a big warehouse, that same building and we had a big stack of poster boards because there used to be a sign shop in there years ago that your normal like big rock poster kind of size of poster boards.


And there's probably a hundred of them there.


We're sitting there in the middle of our conference room and it's leaning up against a brick wall.


It flipped sideways back out into the room.


It didn't slide out.


It flipped back off the brick wall and kicked out probably 25ft.

Clyde Lewis:



In front of all of us watching it.


And it was.


I mean, there's nothing within 30ft of this thing.


And we all sat there and watched it happen right in front of us.


So these things happened in front of a lot of people all the time.


Okay, so every.


So how many times has it happened in front of you?


That's my question.


Oh, that, that the door did.


Probably half a dozen.


Six or eight times.


Probably that I was there, that actually saw it, that I was in the building.


I wasn't always in the building, but yeah, in the year that I worked there, I saw it.


Yeah, probably six or eight times at least, standing there watching it happen.


Okay, so like, are you the only person to get that kind of influence that happens around you almost continually?


So what I'm curious about is if you may in fact have some kind of ability, like you're telekinetic or.


Because it doesn't usually.


Like that kind of activity doesn't usually happen unless somebody has that big of a functionality with a connectedness to the two way spirit world.


I'll call it.

Clyde Lewis:

She's saying you're telekinetic.


Yeah, I'm just, I'm calling, calling this to say if you want me to take a look at it, I can.


So I'm just, I'm making an assumptive declarative statement to you saying, hey, you might be telekinetic.


You know, I would tend to agree with you.


But the other thing is too, I've been in.


I'm an interior designer by trade.


I've been in doing this for 30 years.


I've been in thousands of homes.


I mean, I'm probably talking:




I can count how many times and locations this has happened on my left hand, you know, and it was kind of bigger places.

Clyde Lewis:

But still, even if it happened, you know, just a few times for you, I mean, Janine's got a point that you may have something within you that creates this.

Clyde Lewis:

And that's the whole Thing.

Clyde Lewis:


Clyde Lewis:

Psychokinesis, telekinesis.


If you guys need any furniture moves, you can just, you know.


If I can get this going into home improvement projects and just start working power tools and stuff, I'm in.


All right, you and I have to talk about this.

Eric G.:

All right.

Clyde Lewis:

I love you, honey.


Thanks for calling in.


Oh, that is awesome.


That was good.


If I could sit at home watching the football game and have home improvement projects going on, I mean, just think of.

Clyde Lewis:

It's like Carrie, you know?




That's the new Steve.


Stephen King movie, Candyman.


Oh, we're having way too much fun here in the studio.


Oh, this is awesome.


Hey, let's run out here real quick.


To David in Portland.


Welcome around the house.

Clyde Lewis:

How do you ma.

Clyde Lewis:

Yeah, you're there.

Clyde Lewis:

Hey, Eric, Clyde.

Clyde Lewis:

This is about this house that we had in Saigon.

Eric G.:

Oh, David, we're gonna have to go out to break.


Sit tight.


Let me stick you on hold here.


We're gonna go out to break, and when we come back, we're gonna take David here.

Eric G.:

It is always so much doing these kind of shows with Clyde Lewis.

Eric G.:

Looking back, I forgot how wild of show this really was.

Eric G.:

Now here's something.

Eric G.:

If you're thinking about out there, you know, looking at homes, and you're wondering, is the house that I'm looking at haunted?

Eric G.:

Let me give you some advice on this one, because this can be kind of a crazy one for you to believe.

Eric G.:

And for those that don't believe, now, I will say in full disclosure, when I first started working here at a place about 10 years ago, I thought all of this stuff was made up junk.

Eric G.:

And I was not a believer.

Eric G.:

And you heard me talk about it earlier in the episode here.

Eric G.:

And this was very true.

Eric G.:

I did not believe any of this.

Eric G.:

But after working at one place and seeing what was happening, there was so much stuff that was unexplainable that I thought it was co workers messing with me.

Eric G.:

And then I realized that they weren't, and you could tell they weren't.

Eric G.:

Then I realized there was a lot more that we didn't understand.

Eric G.:

Whatever this is, I didn't understand it.

Eric G.:

And you know something?

Eric G.:

It got pretty crazy in that place with.

Eric G.:

With doors, you know, slamming open and shut.

Eric G.:

For a piano that played itself, that was just a regular piano to poster board in a conference room as we were sitting there having a meeting, flip over the opposite way off a brick wall and go sliding across the floor.

Eric G.:

It was like living in Poltergeist kind of movie.

Eric G.:

And it was something that was Pretty wild as an experience to work there.

Eric G.:

And that building is still there in Tacoma if you do a little research to find it in Tacoma, Washington.

Eric G.:

It was down on the waterfront.

Eric G.:

It's right across from the University of Washington Tacoma campus, right by the Harmon Brewery.

Eric G.:

And it was the former home of Old Time Woodworking right there off of C Street.

Eric G.:

So that place, I tell you what, I'd love to talk to people that are in that building now because I know they are probably still for a wild ride.

Eric G.:

And that building had a whole history from a fire that I think was a bakery at some point when it killed people in that.

Eric G.:

And it had basement tunnels that went down to the waterfront down in the lower, lower basement.

Eric G.:

So it was about a three story place with a sub basement that had crazy tunnels and big rats that were about the size of a small dog.

Eric G.:

It was a wild place to work.

Eric G.:

But you know something, we all survived going through it and nobody got hurt with this thing.

Eric G.:

But I tell you what, working evenings by yourself was a brand new experience.

Eric G.:

Now, guys, when we come back here, we're going to be talking more with Clyde Lewis in the next hour and I want you to stick around for this or check the next podcast episode.

Eric G.:

And again, we've had to mix this up because of the new clock and make it so it makes sense for this show because back then we had a lot more commercials and so we had a lot less content in a live show.

Eric G.:

So that's why you're hearing me give a little bit explanation in between stuff.

Eric G.:

So we don't have any dead air and you can hear the inside of part of these stories.

Eric G.:

So you thought this was wild.

Eric G.:

Hold on tight because the next one, next one's going to be just even crazier.

Eric G.:

I'm Eric G.

Eric G.:

And you've been listening to around the House.

Eric G.:

We'll see you next hour.



Clyde Lewis:

Know I.

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